The concepts of shinigamis, demons, nuns with guns, London, and gore are not unfamiliar motifs presented in many different mangas. Granted, this story has all of these, but an underlying yuri-esque theme that is quite vague initially, but so worth the read. I'm happily reviewing for you my (currently standing) all-time favorite manga series, Teragrammaton Labyrinth, by Ei Itou. Loaded, figuratively, not literally, with action, gory scenes, demonic presences, and a girl wielding a scythe contribute to my undying love and recommendation for this series.
The publisher of Tetragrammaton Labyrinth is Seven Seas, a somewhat obscure (I think) company who double in licensing as well as original works. This series is part of their "Strawberry" yuri line, which has been, as of late, undergoing tough sales and times. Other examples of their work/licenses include Aoi House, Kashimashi, and Amazing Agent Luna.
Story :
As already explained, this is a European, Gothic (I think) era demon based plotline. Very simply put, it's about two girls, Meg and Angela, who dedicate their lives to slaying demons for their church. Initially, it starts as simple demon exterminations, but the story slowly develops into one of hope and desire, and a sense of belonging.
Meg: One of the two main starring characters. As lifelong partner to Angela, she dedicates her time and money to Angela and the extermination of demons. Still a strong Catholic (I think) girl, she tries to see the best in people, and occasionally stops Angela from doing things too rash.
Angela: Second of starring characters. Having "fallen from heaven," she is the immortal partner to Meg, and is cursed with the burden that her own partner is human. As a result of her long placed life, she has developed a relatively disposable view upon other humans, occasionally sacrificing others for the sake of her mission. However, above all, she wishes to become human once more.
Hisame (Miko): Originating from "the East," this girl is in search of lost artifacts of her country. Pragmatic and stubborn, she is the most level-headed on of the group, occasionally pointing out the more obvious, and sometimes lethal aspects. Undeclared partner to Edward.
Edward (Pops): Detective from London, he gets involved within the workings of Meg and Ann as a result of his girlfriend (I think) being tragically possessed by a demon, and having to be put down by Meg and Ann. Hot-headed, he tends to rush into situations unaware of what he may be doing wrong, and sometimes running into more trouble along the way. Fighting to revenge his lost love, he resorts to methods that may no longer make him human.
The art is executed quite well in this piece. Having not read any other works by this author, I have no other comparison, earlier or later. The action scenes are detailed quite well, with an exception to some parts that could have been given more perspective. Ei in the notes ending the manga frequently explains how the research into the European architecture of the times really took a lot out of him; however, it is quite obvious all that researched paid off.
Tetragrammaton Labyrinth takes a conventional story on demons and a dominant yuri pairing to breathe a different type of atmosphere in the characters. Brought together by the grow problem of demons, these characters are oddly memorable, and their situations are at times understandable. The beauty and wonder of this series are something you'd have to read to experience, but if it clicks with you, you may not want to put it down.
I finally got to writing this @_@. It's so procrasinatable; nevertheless, don't expect me to stop anytime soon.
Of course, don't expect me to post like every single week either.
wow that was a good interpretation and analysis :O
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